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Hockey Fortune: $19,349,390


Raffi Torres’s net worth / earnings / salary history: Earned US $19,349,390 (US $27,903,798 in today's dollars), ranking #839 in NHL / hockey career earnings.

Country of birth: Canada
Position: LW
NHL Draft:
Salary History - Raffi Torres
All amounts in US$ unless otherwise noted.
Season   Earnings
In today's
2002-03 $1,075,000 $1,878,919 364
Does not include signing bonuses, performance bonuses and deferred payments.
Source(s): La Presse
2005-06 $825,000 $1,328,179 415
Source(s): La Presse
2006-07 $925,000 $1,442,631 400
Source(s): NHLPA
2007-08 $1,600,000 $2,426,160 268
Source(s): NHLPA
2008-09 $2,400,000 $3,504,691 260
Source(s): NHLPA
2009-10 $2,750,000 $4,030,018 230
Source(s): NHLPA
2010-11 $1,000,000 $1,441,805 404
Source(s): NHLPA
2011-12 $1,750,000 $2,445,986 354
Source(s): NHLPA
2012-13 $1,024,390 $1,402,798 360
Because of the lockout, his NHL salary of $1,750,000 was prorated for the 48-game season.
Source(s): NHLPA
2013-14 $1,750,000 $2,361,779 414
Source(s): NHLPA
2014-15 $2,125,000 $2,822,083 357
Source(s): NHLPA
2015-16 $2,125,000 $2,818,749 361
Source(s): NHLPA
Career Total: US $19,349,390
(In today's dollars: US $27,903,798)

NHL Rank: 839
(In today's dollars: 829)