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Hockey Fortune: $98,475,000


Connor McDavid’s net worth / earnings / salary history: Earned US $98,475,000 (US $114,570,448 in today's dollars), ranking #31 in NHL / hockey career earnings. Currently under contract for US $10,000,000 for a projected hockey fortune of US $108,475,000 .

Birthdate: 13-Jan-97
Country of birth: Canada
Position: C
NHL Draft:
Salary History - Connor McDavid
All amounts in US$ unless otherwise noted.
Season   Earnings
In today's
2012-13 $0 $0 917
At age 15, signed a five-year endorsement deal with RBK Hockey for $50,000 to $100,000 per year.
Source(s): Book: Hockey Confidential
2013-14 $0 $0 869
Had an endorsement deal with RBK Hockey for $50,000 to $100,000 per year.
Source(s): Book: Hockey Confidential
2014-15 $0 $0 791
Had an endorsement deal with RBK Hockey for $50,000 to $100,000 per year.
Source(s): Book: Hockey Confidential
2015-16 $925,000 $1,226,985 494
Prior to the season, signed a three-year entry-level contract with the Edmonton Oilers for the maximum first-year player salary of $925,000 per season and $2.85M in performance bonuses possible each season. Missed almost half the season due to injuries possibly preventing him from earning performance bonuses. Prior to the season, signed a five-year endorsement deal with CCM for $1M per year. Also represented Adidas training shoes and sportswear; the sports energy drink BioSteel; Rogers; a hockey training device, the PowerEdge pro; a Toronto-area memorabilia business, AJ Sportsworld; Canadian Tire's Jumpstart program; and CIBC.
Source(s): NHLPA / Book: The McDavid Effect / Book: Hockey Confidential
2016-17 $3,775,000 $4,945,044 251
Earned his $925,000 salary and likely also earned his $2.85M performance bonuses. Also had his $1M per year endorsement deal with CCM.
Source(s): NHLPA / Book: Hockey Confidential / Book: The McDavid Effect
2017-18 $3,775,000 $4,841,955 259
Earned his $925,000 salary and likely also earned his $2.85M performance bonuses. Also had his $1M per year endorsement deal with CCM. On July 5, 2017, signed a eight-year contract extension with the Edmonton Oilers, starting in 2018-19, for $100M.
Source(s): NHLPA / Book: The McDavid Effect / Book: Grits and Glory
2018-19 $15,000,000 $18,780,614 2
Also had his $1M per year endorsement deal with CCM.
Source(s): NHLPA / Book: The McDavid Effect
2019-20 $15,000,000 $18,446,374 4
Also earned $3.5M in endorsements (including his $1M per year CCM endorsement), making him the best-paid NHLer in 2019-20 according to Forbes.
Source(s): NHLPA / Book: The McDavid Effect
2020-21 $14,000,000 $17,007,728 3
According to USA Today, per his contract earned $13M in compensation with $12M paid as a bonus before the season to protect himself against a possible lockout.
Source(s): NHLPA
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the NHL played a 56-game season instead of 82. Base salaries were not pro-rated but 10% of $14,000,000 was deferred and payable in three yearly payments, starting in October 2022, without interests. Escrow for the season was increased to 20% and performance bonuses were pro-rated (amounts and targets to reach).
2021-22 $13,000,000 $15,081,919 2
Source(s): NHLPA
2022-23 $12,000,000 $12,889,648 3
Source(s): NHLPA
2023-24 $11,000,000 $11,350,181 17
Source(s): NHLPA
2024-25 $10,000,000 $10,000,000 35
Source(s): NHLPA / Book: The McDavid Effect
Career Total: US $98,475,000
(In today's dollars: US $114,570,448 )

NHL Rank: 31
(In today's dollars: 64)
Under Contract
2025-26 $10,000,000
Source(s): Book: The McDavid Effect
Under contract for: US $10,000,000

Projected fortune at end of contract: US $108,475,000