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Hockey Fortune: $13,687


Joseph Graboski’s net worth / earnings / salary history: Earned US $13,687 (US $304,016 in today's dollars), ranking #6303 in NHL / hockey career earnings.

Birthdate: September 17, 1914
Country of birth: Canada
Position: C
Salary History - Joseph Graboski
All amounts in US$ unless otherwise noted.
Season   Earnings
In today's
1936-37 $2,400 $54,402
Amount in Canadian currency: $2,400.
Earned CAN $100 per week with the Wembley Lions in the English National League. (Earning approximately $2,400 assuming a six-month season.)
Source(s): The Hockey Research Journal
1937-38 $2,400 $52,473
Amount in Canadian currency: $2,400.
Earned CAN $100 per week with the Hershey B'ars in the Eastern Amateur Hockey League. (Earning approximately $2,400 assuming a six-month season.)
Source(s): The Hockey Research Journal
1938-39 $2,400 $53,553
Amount in Canadian currency: $2,400.
Earned CAN $100 per week with the Valleyfield Braves in the Quebec Provincial Senior Hockey League. (Earning approximately $2,400 assuming a six-month season.)
Source(s): The Hockey Research Journal
1939-40 $2,162 $48,876
Amount in Canadian currency: $2,400.
Earned CAN $100 per week with Kirkland Lake Blue Devils, playing exhibition games. (Earning approximately $2,400 assuming a six-month season.)
Source(s): The Hockey Research Journal
1940-41 $2,162 $48,527
Amount in Canadian currency: $2,400.
Earned CAN $100 per week with the Glace Bay Miners in the Cape Breton Senior Hockey League. (Earning approximately $2,400 assuming a six-month season.)
Source(s): The Hockey Research Journal
1941-42 $2,162 $46,186
Amount in Canadian currency: $2,400.
Earned CAN $100 per week with the Quebec Aces in the Quebec Senior Hockey League. (Earning approximately $2,400 assuming a six-month season.) Retired as a pro-hockey player after the season.
Source(s): The Hockey Research Journal
Career Total: US $13,687
(In today's dollars: US $304,016)

NHL Rank: 6303
(In today's dollars: 5800)