Chris Pronger
Hockey Fortune:
Chris Pronger’s net worth / earnings / salary history: Earned US $113,235,714 (US $181,783,061 in today's dollars), ranking #16 in NHL / hockey career earnings.
Birthdate: 10-Oct-74Country of birth: Canada
Position: D
NHL Draft:
- Year: 1993
- Round #1
- Overall Pick: 2
- By: Hartford Whalers
Did you know that Gary Bettman has accumulated the largest NHL fortune with $167M? Info about the franchise value evolution and ownership history of NHL/hockey teams. |
Salary History - Chris Pronger All amounts in US$ unless otherwise noted. |
Season | Earnings (US$) |
In today's US$ |
Rank | |
1993-94 | $1,600,000 | $3,482,210 | 20 | |
1994-95 | $985,714 | $2,090,869 | 46 | |
Because of the lockout, his NHL salary of $1,725,000 was prorated for the 48-game season. | ||||
Source(s): Guide Hockey 1995-1996 | ||||
1995-96 | $1,325,000 | $2,733,823 | 101 | |
Source(s): La Presse | ||||
1996-97 | $1,425,000 | $2,856,360 | 121 | |
Source(s): La Presse / Guide Hockey RDS | ||||
1997-98 | $2,250,000 | $4,406,927 | 73 | |
Includes base salary, signing bonus and bonuses paid in 1997-98. | ||||
Source(s): The Hockey News | ||||
1998-99 | $2,750,000 | $5,303,969 | 62 | |
Includes base salary, signing bonus, bonuses paid in 1998-99, and deferred income paid in 1998-99. | ||||
Source(s): The Hockey News | ||||
1999-00 | $3,425,000 | $6,464,281 | 51 | |
Includes base salary, signing/reporting bonus, and deferred income paid in 1999-2000. | ||||
Source(s): The Hockey News / The Sports Forecaster | ||||
2000-01 | $5,175,000 | $9,448,432 | 27 | |
Includes base salary, bonuses paid in 2000-01, and deferred income paid in 2000-01 (Earned $3,675,000 in 2000-01 according to The Hockey News UltimateFantasy Guide 2000-01). On October 27, 2000, signed a three-year contract, starting in 2001-02, with the St. Louis Blues for $29.5M ($9.5M + $9.5M + $9.5M / $1M bonus) | ||||
Source(s): The Hockey News / Globe and Mail | ||||
2001-02 | $9,500,000 | $16,867,905 | 6 | |
2002-03 | $9,500,000 | $16,604,403 | 9 | |
Does not include signing bonuses, performance bonuses and deferred payments. | ||||
Source(s): La Presse | ||||
2003-04 | $9,500,000 | $16,236,138 | 8 | |
2004-05 | NHL lockout year: Season cancelled - no NHL salary paid. | |||
2005-06 | $6,250,000 | $10,061,959 | 16 | |
Prior to the season, signed a five-year contract with the Edmonton Oilers for $31.25M. | ||||
Source(s): La Presse | ||||
2006-07 | $6,250,000 | $9,747,507 | 17 | |
Source(s): NHLPA | ||||
2007-08 | $6,250,000 | $9,477,187 | 27 | |
Source(s): NHLPA | ||||
2008-09 | $6,250,000 | $9,126,800 | 38 | |
Source(s): NHLPA | ||||
2009-10 | $6,250,000 | $9,159,131 | 41 | |
On June 27, 2009, after being traded to the Philadelphia Flyers, signed a seven-year front-loaded contract, starting in 2010-11, for 34.9M. | ||||
Source(s): NHLPA / Book: Mister Playoffs | ||||
2010-11 | $7,600,000 | $10,957,718 | 17 | |
Source(s): NHLPA | ||||
2011-12 | $7,600,000 | $10,622,566 | 20 | |
Due to an eye injury and concussions, he only played 13 games and never played pro hockey again, collecting his salary until the end of 2016-17 with his guaranteed contract. | ||||
Source(s): NHLPA | ||||
2012-13 | $7,200,000 | $9,859,663 | 5 | |
Paid while on long-term career-ending injury reserve. | ||||
Source(s): NHLPA | ||||
2013-14 | $7,000,000 | $9,447,115 | 25 | |
Paid while on long-term career-ending injury reserve. | ||||
Source(s): NHLPA | ||||
2014-15 | $4,000,000 | $5,312,157 | 176 | |
Paid while on long-term career-ending injury reserve. | ||||
Source(s): NHLPA | ||||
2015-16 | $575,000 | $762,720 | 745 | |
Paid while on long-term career-ending injury reserve. | ||||
Source(s): NHLPA | ||||
2016-17 | $575,000 | $753,219 | 766 | |
Paid while on long-term career-ending injury reserve. | ||||
Source(s): NHLPA | ||||
Career Total: US $113,235,714 (In today's dollars: US $181,783,061 ) NHL Rank: 16 (In today's dollars: 5) |