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Hockey Fortune: $322,091


Maurice Richard’s net worth / earnings / salary history: Earned US $322,091 (US $3,861,243 in today's dollars), ranking #5035 in NHL / hockey career earnings.

Birthdate: August 4, 1921
Country of birth: Canada
Salary History - Maurice Richard
All amounts in US$ unless otherwise noted.
Season   Earnings
In today's
1942-43 $5,406 $104,081
Amount in Canadian currency: $6,000.
As a rookie, signed a two-year, two-way contract with the Montreal Canadiens for CAN$5,000/season in the NHL and CAN$750/season in the minors plus a CAN$1,000 signing bonus. Bonuses included CAN$250 if team finished in first place or CAN$150 if team finished in second place; CAN$50 if he scored more than 15 goals in the season and CAN$25 for any additional goals. He did not earn any of the personal or team bonuses.
Source(s): Copy of contract
1943-44 $6,330 $114,963
Amount in Canadian currency: $7,025.
In addition to base salary, earned CAN$250 in bonus because Montreal finished in 1st place and CAN$475 for scoring 32 goals. Also earned a $1,300 bonus as the team won the Stanley Cup.
Source(s): Copy of contract / La Presse
1944-45 $5,406 $96,626
Amount in Canadian currency: $6,000.
Estimated salary based on documented salaries for 1943-44 and 1945-46.
Source(s): HockeyZonePlus
1945-46 $6,307 $110,224
Amount in Canadian currency: $7,000.
Signed a one-year, one-way contract with the Montreal Canadiens for CAN$7,000.
Source(s): Copy of contract
1946-47 $8,000 $128,852
Amount in Canadian currency: $8,000.
Estimated salary based on documented salaries for 1945-46 and 1950-51.
Source(s): HockeyZonePlus
1947-48 $9,000 $126,774
Amount in Canadian currency: $9,000.
Estimated salary based on documented salaries for 1945-46 and 1950-51.
Source(s): HockeyZonePlus
1948-49 $10,000 $130,728
Amount in Canadian currency: $10,000.
Estimated salary based on documented salaries for 1945-46 and 1950-51.
Source(s): HockeyZonePlus
1949-50 $18,020 $237,946
Amount in Canadian currency: $20,000.
Base salary plus bonuses are estimated at C $20,000.
Source(s): The Hockey News
1950-51 $14,146 $184,770
Amount in Canadian currency: $15,700.
Signed a one-year, one-way contract with the Montreal Canadiens for CAN$14,000 plus bonuses: $ 1,000 if he scored 35 goals; $ 100/goal over 35; and, if he did not score 35 goals, $ 1,000 if he was in the top 3 scorers (unclear if for team of league). He scored 42 goals, earning $ 1,700 in bonuses.
Source(s): Copy of contract / The Hockey News
1951-52 $14,250 $172,581
Amount in Canadian currency: $15,000.
Estimated salary based on documented salaries for 1950-51 and 1953-54.
Source(s): HockeyZonePlus
1952-53 $15,315 $181,357
Amount in Canadian currency: $15,000.
Estimated salary based on documented salaries for 1950-51 and 1953-54.
Source(s): HockeyZonePlus
1953-54 $16,272 $191,178
Amount in Canadian currency: $16,000.
Signed a one-year, one-way contract with the Montreal Canadiens for CAN$15,000 plus $ 1,000 if he scored 20 goals or more, which he did.
Source(s): Classic Auctions
1954-55 $12,324 $144,308
Amount in Canadian currency: $12,000.
Signed a one-year, one-way contract with the Montreal Canadiens for CAN$12,000. According to The Hockey News, his estimated annual income, including his salary from the Canadiens, was approximately $50,000 when including his commissions for endorsing a hair tonic and the Maurice Richard-model windbreaker, his cut from the sale of Le Rocket du Hockey and other publications about him, and his appearances during the off-season as a wrestling referee.
Source(s): Copy of contract
1955-56 $12,168 $142,854
Amount in Canadian currency: $12,000.
Signed a one-year, one-way contract with the Montreal Canadiens for CAN$12,000. (According to the New York Journal-American/The Hockey News, signed a five-year contract with the Montreal Canadiens, prior to the season, for an annual salary of $15,000 and a clause that for five years after retiring, he'd keep being paid $15,000 annually. This doesn't exactly match the actual contract, which, at the time, was likely not public.)
Source(s): Copy of contract
1956-57 $14,224 $164,534
Amount in Canadian currency: $14,000.
Signed a one-year, one-way contract with the Montreal Canadiens for CAN$12,000. Note alludes to total possible bonus of CAN$2,000 more than in 1955-56
Source(s): Copy of contract
1957-58 $20,860 $233,478
Amount in Canadian currency: $20,000.
Basic salary of CAN$20,000 plus bonuses.
Source(s): Classic Auctions
1958-59 $14,111 $153,725
Amount in Canadian currency: $13,700.
Signed a one-year, one-way contract with the Montreal Canadiens for CAN$12,000 plus $ 100 per goal score during the season and playoffs. Scored 17 goals, earning CAN$1,700 in bonuses.
Source(s): Copy of contract
1959-60 $14,602 $157,491
Amount in Canadian currency: $14,000.
Signed a one-year, one-way contract with the Montreal Canadiens for CAN$12,000 plus $ 100 per goal score during the season and playoffs. Scored 20 goals, earning CAN$2,000 in bonuses. (Earned $22,000 or $25,000 according to different editions of The Hockey News / Earned CAN$25,000 according to the Dictionary of Canadian Biography / Earned $30,000 according to the book Gordie.) Retired as a pro hockey player after the season.
Source(s): Copy of contract
1960-61 $25,775 $273,957
Amount in Canadian currency: $25,000.
Retired before the start of the season and was paid anyway as a reward for his 18-year career. Was Ambassador of the Montreal Canadiens. Also earned approximately $6,000 in NHL pension.
Source(s): Maclean's / La Presse
1961-62 $19,740 $207,637
Amount in Canadian currency: $20,000.
Earned CAN$ 20,000 as Ambassador of the Montreal Canadiens. Also earned approximately $6,000 in NHL pension.
Source(s): Book: They Called Me Chocolate Rocket / La Presse
1962-63 $18,720 $194,564
Amount in Canadian currency: $20,000.
Earned CAN$ 20,000 as Ambassador of the Montreal Canadiens. Also earned approximately $6,000 in NHL pension.
Source(s): Book: They Called Me Chocolate Rocket / La Presse
1963-64 $18,540 $190,365
Amount in Canadian currency: $20,000.
Earned CAN$ 20,000 as Ambassador of the Montreal Canadiens. Also earned approximately $6,000 in NHL pension.
Source(s): Book: They Called Me Chocolate Rocket / La Presse
1964-65 $18,540 $187,910
Amount in Canadian currency: $20,000.
Earned CAN$ 20,000 as Vice President of the Montreal Canadiens. Quit after the season, unhappy with his role. Also earned approximately $6,000 in NHL pension.
Source(s): Book: They Called Me Chocolate Rocket / La Presse
1965-66 $0 $0
Amount in Canadian currency: $0.
Earned approximately $6,000 in NHL pension.
Source(s): La Presse
1966-67 $0 $0
Amount in Canadian currency: $0.
Earned approximately $6,000 in NHL pension.
Source(s): La Presse
1967-68 $0 $0
Amount in Canadian currency: $0.
Earned approximately $6,000 in NHL pension.
Source(s): La Presse
1968-69 $0 $0
Amount in Canadian currency: $0.
Earned approximately $6,000 in NHL pension.
Source(s): La Presse
1969-70 $0 $0
Amount in Canadian currency: $0.
Earned approximately $6,000 in NHL pension.
Source(s): La Presse
1970-71 $0 $0
Amount in Canadian currency: $0.
Earned approximately $6,000 in NHL pension.
Source(s): La Presse
1971-72 $0 $0
Amount in Canadian currency: $0.
Earned approximately $6,000 in NHL pension.
Source(s): La Presse
1972-73 $4,036 $30,342
Amount in Canadian currency: $4,000.
Signed as coach of the Quebec Nordiques, of the World Hockey Association, for CAN$40,000 for the season and a $4,000 signing bonus. He quit after 1 game, realizing that coaching was not for him and returned his first paycheck to the team. Also earned approximately $6,000 in NHL pension.
Source(s): Book: The Rebel League / La Presse
1973-74 $0 $0
Amount in Canadian currency: $0.
Earned approximately $6,000 in NHL pension.
Source(s): La Presse
1974-75 $0 $0
Amount in Canadian currency: $0.
Earned approximately $6,000 in NHL pension.
Source(s): La Presse
1975-76 $0 $0
Amount in Canadian currency: $0.
Earned approximately $6,000 in NHL pension.
Source(s): La Presse
1976-77 $0 $0
Amount in Canadian currency: $0.
Earned approximately $6,000 in NHL pension.
Source(s): La Presse
1977-78 $0 $0
Amount in Canadian currency: $0.
Earned approximately $6,000 in NHL pension.
Source(s): La Presse
1978-79 $0 $0
Amount in Canadian currency: $0.
Earned approximately $6,000 in NHL pension.
Source(s): La Presse
1979-80 $0 $0
Amount in Canadian currency: $0.
Earned approximately $6,000 in NHL pension.
Source(s): La Presse
1980-81 $0 $0
Amount in Canadian currency: $0.
Earned approximately $6,000 in NHL pension.
Source(s): La Presse
1981-82 $0 $0
Amount in Canadian currency: $0.
Earned approximately $6,000 in NHL pension.
Source(s): La Presse
1982-83 $0 $0
Amount in Canadian currency: $0.
Earned approximately $6,000 in NHL pension.
Source(s): La Presse
1983-84 $0 $0
Amount in Canadian currency: $0.
Earned approximately $6,000 in NHL pension.
Source(s): La Presse
1984-85 $0 $0
Amount in Canadian currency: $0.
Earned approximately $6,000 in NHL pension.
Source(s): La Presse
1985-86 $0 $0
Amount in Canadian currency: $0.
Earned approximately $6,000 in NHL pension.
Source(s): La Presse
1986-87 $0 $0
Amount in Canadian currency: $0.
Earned approximately $6,000 in NHL pension.
Source(s): La Presse
1987-88 $0 $0
Amount in Canadian currency: $0.
Earned approximately $6,000 in NHL pension.
Source(s): La Presse
1988-89 $0 $0
Amount in Canadian currency: $0.
Earned approximately $6,000 in NHL pension. Likely earned the same amount, or an indexed amount, until he passed away on 2000.
Source(s): La Presse
Career Total: US $322,091
(In today's dollars: US $3,861,243)

NHL Rank: 5035
(In today's dollars: 2662)

Contract(s) (click to enlarge)